
The club recognises that the welfare of all its members is essential and that we all have a duty of care while they are in our charge. We therefore aim to provide a safe and caring environment whilst they attend the club or activities in which the club is involved. 

The club and its members will adopt, and uphold the procedures and guidelines as issued by the British Fencing Association (BFA) to which the club and members must be affiliated. Details can be found on the BFA website. 

Who is our welfare officer?

Christiaan van den Ende is our current welfare officer.

Our coaches have also undergone safeguarding training. A copy of the Club’s policies, documentation and procedures are also submitted to Colchester Borough Council who run our sports centre.

You can reach our welfare officer at:


British Fencing Association Welfare

You can also contact the British Fencing Association’s Welfare team. You can reach them on their website here.

You can also call their contact number at 07526 003030.